Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some Thoughts About Death

I've been thinking about death recently. Mainly because I'm coming closer to it with the passing of each and every day.

Have you noticed that more and more photos are accompanying death notice in the newspapers? Some of these pictures are obviously not of the current variety. "Georgia Baxter passed away last Sunday after a long battle with an illness. She was 97." And the associated picture is of someone who is 30-something. I think there should be a law that, if you want to post a picture, it has to be taken after the person died. "Phil McKracken passed away last night. He was mauled by bears." You probably wouldn't see many pictures after that law is passed.

If there is an after-life, what will you look like when you get there? Will you look the same as the day you died? Or will you look like the age when you thought you were the hottest looking thing on the planet? What if it was the latter? And then you meet someone. And you start spooning and everything. And then you find out it's your mom (or your dad if you're a chick). But then, wouldn't your mom or dad know what you looked like when you were at your hottest? Damn, I don't want to think about this anymore. My head hurts.

I need a drink.

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