I had a dream the other day. What else is new? In my dream I was my younger self, living in my parents house with my older brother. We'll call him "Hank" to protect his identity. Well, in my dream, Hank wants me to help him catalog all his posters. By UPC number. He wanted me to read the UPC number off each poster (they were conveniently located at the bottom right of each poster) and he would write them down in in a notebook. We didn't have laptops back then, so there was no such thing as Excel. And MTV was actually playing music videos. Anyway, I had to pull his posters out of a cardboard tube because that's how he stored them - rolled up in the tube. I unrolled the posters and started reading off the UPC numbers while Hank jotted them down. Then I came across a poster with a hole cut out of the middle that read "Don't Smoke - Or You May End Up Looking Like This". I asked Hank what he cut out of the poster and he told me "It was a picture of Steve Buscemi." I asked him why he cut the picture out and he told me it was because he thought Steve was ugly. I then continued to rifle though the posters as fast as I could so I could go play trucks in the back yard.
So I ask you - Is Steve Buscemi, the star of the excellent HBO series "Boardwalk Empire", ugly? Or does he just smoke too much?
All Hail Nucky Thompson. Hail Nucky!
I finally figured out what I'm going to give out on Halloween this year. BIC disposable razors. I have a beard now, so I don't need 'em. And the kids then can play 'grown-ups' with some real grown-up stuff. Last year I gave out scoops of vanilla ice cream. Oh, how I loved the expressions on their adorable, perplexed faces as the ice cream rolled off my scoop and plopped down on top of their candy. Good times.
How did you celebrate Columbus Day? I celebrated it by getting up early and going to work, Then coming home and cussing at the mailman 'cause he forgot to deliver my mail. Fun fact: Did you know Columbus actually had 4 ships when he left Portugal? One fell over the edge.
Reach for the Gusto. Gusto hasn't been felt up in awhile and he's getting kinda frisky.